I am alive because of this group. I found you surfing FB doing your live and was instantly hooked. I had been in the hospital because I have cardiac artery disease and it wasn’t looking good and bedridden.

When you began the 21-day challenge in May 2020, I participated not with the full relish, but with what I had.

The recipes, the encouragement, and the love from your soul have helped me on my healing journey tremendously. I am much improved. I work out twice a day, and shredded about 40 pounds, first time in years I am below 200 pounds and close to my goal weight. I have strength in my torso and can stand without fatigue; my cognitive abilities have improved, and I once again enjoy reading ferociously.

I fully expect when I attend my medical appointment in August with the full team, there will be no discussion about any type of heart surgery, all because this kind woman Chef Julia shared her journey and cooked online.